I was able to get a week off of work last week and go home! Christina is home for the whole month of June this ear because Nate is taking his board exams and needs to study. So I was able to see Christina and Sawyer when I went home. Melissa suprised us and showed up on Wednesday so I got to see her too! The next few posts will be about my trip. There will be a lot of pictures of sawyer because he is so cute!
The weather was great while I was home and we tried to spend a lot of time outside. We even fed Sawyer outside in his stroller.
He is so adorable. I just can't get enough of him.
We borrowed tricycle from a friend of ours and Sawyer loved it. He loved riding it down our driveway. At first we had to push hit back up for him but then he finally caught on and could push it back up himself.
I don't know how well you can see but he is even smiling a little bit in this picture. It is so hard to get good pictures of kids because they are always moving!!
Sawyer loves to wrestle. He likes to jump on you and knock you down. He also likes to head butt which can be very painful. :)
I think he is winning.
We took a couple of walks down the road and Dad joined us. Sawyer absolutely loves him.
We went to the park to play one day. Sawyer loved the slide and wanted to go again and again.
Sawyer is funny he doesn't like to swing by himself. So Mom or I had to swing next him or else he would start fussing.
He is so fun!