It's over already?............

Summer is almost of over and it is so hard to believe. I feel like just yesterday I got back from school and now it is time to go back again. Crazy!!!! Well since I haven't blogged at all this summer I thought that I would just hit the highlights.

1. Walking in the park with my mom, Jodi, Tori and some other fabulous ladies.
2. Movie nights with Hannah. Jane Eyre, North and South, Charade. Definatley have to keep this up once we get back to school. We also hung out at the Pioneer Day where I devoured 4 snow cones. :) And we went to the temple together.
3. Reading. I read a lot of books. Including the whole Harry Potter series.
4. Hanging out with Kelsey. We did so many things together: Shopping, swimming, watching movies, laughing, and went to midnight showing of Transformers. Oh I can't forget scaring Katie with Peter... ha ha ha ha. :)

5. Smoothies for breakfast. Yummm...
6. Watching Kaylynn and Shelby's tennis matches. So fun but I wanted to get on the court and start playing.
7. Hanging out with the McClellans and their kids. We went out to dinner and we went on a picnic. Celebrated birthdays together.

8. Hanging out with Kari. We went to movies and out to eat and just hung out. I also had fun going to a band concert of hers.
9. Melissa and Christina came to visit. We went to Japanese Tea Gardens, played games, and watched movies.
10. Working with Panda. Running her over with the cart. My pen bursting in my pocket and dying my leg black. Power going out and getting stuck in Sears for a while on Mom's birthday. Just laughing together.

11. Catch up on Office Episodes. I just have season 5 left to watch.

12. Was a witness for Ron & Lynette's will. Never done that before. :)

13. Hung out with Jodi. Went and saw Harry Potter 6 and Julie and Julia.

14. Erika comes to visit and I got to hang out with her on the 4th of July.

15. The Poulsen's come to visit. We go to Ape Cave, Trail of Two Forests, Go to BG lake, picked raspberries and went to Seaside.

16. Go camping at Lower falls with Mom, Dad, Tom and Melissa.

17. Go to a few YSA activities. A dance, movie nights, FHE, Philipino night, and Campout.

18. Brian and Marie come and visit with their two cute boys.

19.Watching lots and lots of movies.

20. And probably the biggest thing of all ASHLEY'S WEDDING!!!! Kelsey and I drove out to Idaho together to be bridesmaids. We planned Ashley's Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Dinner. We had so much fun and now our little Ashwa is married. On the Saturday after the wedding Kelsey and I drove up to Yellowstone but we were so tired after the wedding that we only got out of the car a couple of times and we got a little slap happy. :) On the drive home back to WA we stopped at the paper trees and ran through them which is something that we have both wanted to do.

So in a nut shell. I had a pretty awesome summer.

1 comment:

Melissa Bell said...

Wow! You did have a pretty good summer! I'm jealous! I hope this semester goes okay for you. I know it is going to be stressful! Love ya!