I Finally Graduated!!

Well I have decided that I have to be the worst blogger ever. I haven't blogged in 4 months! Wow, pretty lame. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do over the next few blog posts.

First things first. I finally graduated from college!!! I graduated on December 16th with a Bachelors degree in Exercise Science from Brigham Young University-Idaho. What a great day that was!! My class was the largest graduating from BYU-Idaho but which will probably be suprassed by April's graduating class. :)

I got to graduate with my dear friend Megan which I was really greatful for or else I would have been all alone and that would have been sad. It took me an extra semester to graduate so most of the people I knew had already graduated but Megan had gone on a mission so she was late graduating too so it was perfect!!! Meggo was one of my roomates my very first semester and one of my favorite roomates of all time!!! I absolutley love her! It was so fun sitting with her and walking with her. We laughed the whole time even right before we had to walk across the stage.


Meggo and I


We can be a little crazy sometimes....well maybe all the time. :)


Us four years ago my freshman year. Not much has changed huh? :)

(this is a halloween picture. Just in case you were wonding what is up with the clothes and glasses)


Tanya was also able to make it to my graduation. She was also one of my roomates. I lived with her for 3 semesters. She is from Russia and is very funy and quite the unique person. :)

My parents drove out from Washington to attend the graduation and my brother Spencer rode a bus from Salt Lake so that he could also come. My two best friends Ashley and Kelsey also came. It was a big party!!! I don't have any other exciting pictures because my Dad took the good ones and he hasn't given them to me yet the little stinker. If he ever does get around to giving them to me maybe I will post a few more.

1 comment:

Melissa Bell said...

I'm glad that you had Meggo! I had to walk all by my lonesome self with a bunch of guy nerds. ;o) I'm glad it was a good day for you. I know it will always be a day I wish that I was there. Love you bunches and bunches!