The 4th!

I hope you had a happy 4th of July!

I had to work in the morning and got off around three in the afternoon. I came home and changes my clothes and headed down to Sandy to my aunt Barbra's house. We had a BBQ and some fireworks.

Grandpa with his festive hat!
Josh & JJ.
Josh, Barbie and JJ flew in from Chicago for the holiday. I hadn't seen Josh for a long time and this was my first time meeting JJ. He is absolutley adorable. He is to the walking stage and is running everywhere. He loved the slide!

So cute!

Josh & JJ


He is my Jessica's cousin second child. He is absolutley hilarious and very cute. He loves to get his picture taken probably because Jess is a professional photographer and she takes lots of pictures of her kids.

Jess sure has taught her children how to smile for the camera. :)



She is Jessica's youngest. She has a little walker toy that she LOVES and always is pushing around.

Andrew and Rachel eating watermelon.

Rachel is Jessica's oldest.

The festive cake that Annette made for desert.

Some street fireworks that we set off. I have to say that I was quite disapointed this year in the fireworks. I am used to huge aerial ones like the onse we do back in Washington. Aerial fireworks were illegal here until this year so not a whole lot of people bought some.

Kortney and Chelsea doing a tank war.

A tank!

It still is light outside as you probably noticed. Jess didn't want to keep her kids up late so we had to do them before it got dark. The Poulsen's and I did do some more once we got back home and it was dark. The firework were a lot more impressive in the dark.

Highlight of the day!

We had some flower fireworks in a paper bag and Kortney made the mistake of walking past it while holding a sparkler in her hand. A spark jumped from the sparkler and landed in the bag setting off all the flowers! Tyler ran forward and threw it into the middle of the driveway since it had been by all of us and the cars. The bag burst into flame and the flowers just about exploded. It was the coolest thing ever!

What was left of all the flowers. As you can see there were a ton of flowers in the bag. Ha ha. It did leave a mark on the driveway which aunt Barb was not to happy about. I'm pretty sure this will go down in 4th of July history.


Melissa Bell said...

You got some great pics! So fun that you met JJ! We need to make a pact to never light fireworks when it is light out. Even if we have kids. Ok?

Nancy Hokanson said...

Where's the face painting? Your mom just told me about your blog and now I can stalk you! Looks like you're doing great and that makes me happy! Love you!