Chelsea's Farewell

July 17

Chelsea entered the MTC on Wednesday, so the sunday before we went to her farewell talk and had a family get together afterwards. Chelsea will be spending the next 18 months preaching the gospel in the Des Moines, Iowa mission.

Chelsea's birthday is while she is in the MTC so we celebrated it early. We didn't have any candles so this is Chelsea holding a lighter as her candle.

Chelsea and her cake!

The food! It isn't a Shurtliff get together if there isn't food!

Andrew squeezing lemons for homemade ice cream!

Chelsea & I. She is going to be a great missionary but I sure am going to miss her!

Kortney, Chelsea & I

Homemade raspberry ice cream! So delicious!

I think Andrew likes it!

1 comment:

Melissa Bell said...

Hard to believe that Chelsea and Marissa are gone! I need to write them both. Fun that you were able to be there for all the celebrating! :)