Camping with the Madsen's

The Madsen family invited Tyler, Kortney and I to go camping with them on Monday night and they were leaving the next morning. It was a last minute invite but we decided to go and ran home and got everything ready.

Our cute group.
We went to American Fork Canyon. What a beautiful area.
We hiked around the reservoir.



He is so photogenic. In my opinion at least. He is so adorable and has so many different facial expressions.

Kara all strapped into Sam's backpack carrier for her.

I think Andrew got a little tired. Ha ha

After the hike Josh decided to run and leap into the water. It was very cold!


Sam and Kara enjoying the sun.

Chelsea reading.

Kortney, Tyler & I

Andrew's shocked at how cold it is face.

He did shout a couple of times "It's freakin' cold." Quite funny coming out of his mouth. Ha ha.

Rachel sitting on a rock trying to get warm after she ran into the water.

The rest of the crew.

Tyler "tanning"

Of course I did get into the water a little bit. I just couldn't resist!

The Three Muskateers!

We also played lots of games while camping. Skip-b0, Ripple, Rage, Armpit, Spades to name just a few. It was a very fun time.

Kortney with her braided beard. Rachel thought this was hilarious and kept on making her do it.


Melissa Bell said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun! I'm glad that you went. :o)

Sandy said...
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Sandy said...

You have been having a whole lot of fun!!!!! YOur pictures are wonderful. Did I see that you said "who could imagine that Utah would be so beautiful". Utah is beautiful but my queation is "is Washington more beautiful"? At least the sun shines more often in Utah. Where you are the sun is always shinning. You are the greatest.