
Well I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I better. I haven't taken any pictures latley so this will probably be pretty boring. :) So what I have been up to:

  • Working-Hours at work seem to come all at once and then nothing and then all at once again. This past week I was at the hospital Tuesday through Saturday. Tuesday I had a staff meeting so I was only there for a couple of hours. Work has been really busy lately. All our patients come in at once and I feel like I'm running around with my head chopped off. But I love it! I have decided that it is your co-workers that really make or brake a job. I LOVE the people I work with. They are all so fun to be around. They are mostly all girls and thats probably why. Ha ha. :) For example at our staff meeting we spent probably most of the time laughing and eating. Jami is moving to Pocatello (or as some people call it poke-a-hell-hole he he) for her husband to go to school. She is one of my favorites and I am really going to miss her!

  • Reading-When I'm not working I'm usually reading. I'm trying to read a lot of books this year. I finally caught up with Melissa and then she had a read-a-thon and surpassed me by quite a lot and I don't think I have any hope of catching up. Oh well. I read the third and fourth book of the Bayern series which were pretty good. I also read Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder which I loved! I am currently trying to read Life of Pi but I'm having a hard time getting into it. I'm also reading How I Live Now which is kind of odd.

  • Swimming-Annette's ward had an activity at the Roy Aquatic Center. They rented the whole place out so it was a lot of fun! There are a lot of fun things for little kids but they also have two water slides. One of them goes straight down which makes my stomach lurch around and they also have a curvy one. They also have diving boards which are fun to jump off of. Kortney didn't get to come with us because she had to work. So we decided to go again on Saturday after I got off work. We went down the slides and jumped of the boards it was a lot of fun. I tried diving off the side of the pool but pretty much failed. I used to know how to dive when I was younger but I guess I've lost it.

  • Dinner-I actually made dinner this week. It was only sloppy joes but that is a big deal for me. I never cook! My aunt was out working in the yard so she had me cook the sloppy joes. It was pretty easy to follow the recipe she had and they tasted pretty good I must say so myself.

  • Snow cones- I got two snow cones this week. The kids down the street sell them for 75 cent and they are pretty big. Their mom was out helping them when I was out there because there were a lot of neighborhood kids out there. She said that one kid ate 9 snow cones and that is the record! She told the kid that if he ate 10 she would give him a free one but he felt to sick. Now I want to break the record!

Well that is all I can really think of for now. School starts in two weeks. Ahhh!

1 comment:

Melissa Bell said...

Not a boring post at all! You need to break that record! I know you can do it. I would so do it if I were there. Make it an end of summer challenge. :)