My Kiddos!

While I was at home I got to hang out with my favorite Kiddos! Melissa, Christina and I have babysat the McClellans since they were born. I LOVE THESE KIDS!!


She is absolutley the cutest. I just love her. Whenever she sees me she runs up and gives me a big hug! There is nothing like the love of a child.


She is so much fun and quite the tree climber! She was trying to shake the cherries out of the trees. She is very artistic and her art just blows me away. I can't believe that she is going to be 12 in February!


This is what Zach does: attack me! He is a lot of fun and loves to wrestle. He has so much energy and never ever seems to get tired.

He pretty much dominates. :)

1 comment:

Melissa Bell said...

Love them too! They are getting so big! At least they still know who we are right? :)