Powell's Bookstore

While I was at home we decided to go to Powell's Bookstore in Portland. We drove down to IKEA and parked there and then rode the Trax to Pioneer Square and then walked the few blocks from there to Powells.

Best Buds.

Waiting for the Trax to come.
Melissa, Kari and I.
This is a new shirt that I bought at Kohls for $6! I love Audrey Hepburn!

On the Trax

Powell's! It is supposidly one of the biggest book stores on the west coast!

Mom browsing! There are so many good books here!

One thing we like to do is make a list of all the books that sound good. There are always a ton of books that I want to get but I can't afford them all so I write them down and then check them out from the Library and read them and if I really like them then I can always buy them later. I wrote down the title of 50 books this time! That should keep me busy for a while. :)

So Melissa came up with this little game. One person takes another person and puts their back to a book shelf and the person has to reach behind them and grab a book and the book they grab they have to read. We decided to do it in the Young Adult section because you are pretty safe there. Melissa, Mom, Kari and I all did it. We were kind of nervous that somone would stick us in front of a whole bunch of Vampire books but no one was that cruel. :)

Reaching back for my book!

I pulled off Moonglass. It actually looks pretty good. I think it is a newer book though because I couldn't find it at my local Library so I might have to wait a little bit before I can read it.

Kari reaching for a book.

Mom and her book, well sort of. Mom is really picky about books so she kind of just picked a book off the shelf.

Melissa grabbing a book.

Melissa and her book Vintage Veronica.

It was a very fun trip!

1 comment:

Melissa Bell said...

So much fun! I think maybe I should just copy your post and publish it on mine. What do you think? :)